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Cost Comparison

At CCPC, we believe in offering our customers not only competitive pricing but also a convenient and streamlined shopping experience. Unlike other stores that require customers to individually select items and add them to a cart, resulting in increased delivery costs, we offer a simple and cost-effective solution. With our all-in-one box option, priced at only $200, we provide a 50% reduction compared to the average freshman's spending on move-in essentials.

In addition to the cost savings, our all-in-one box ensures that all the necessary items arrive together, eliminating the hassle of multiple deliveries arriving at different times. We understand the importance of a smooth and efficient move-in process, and our comprehensive box allows students to unpack and settle into their new environment without any unnecessary delays or complications. By choosing CCPC, you can save money, time, and enjoy the convenience of receiving all your essential items in one shipment, making your transition into college life even more seamless.