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  • March 5, 2024

Moving from your childhood room into an empty, barren 

Moving from your childhood room into an empty, barren university residence room can be a lonely and daunting experience. However, with a few creative tweaks and personalized touches, you can transform that dorm room into a cozy haven. Below are some ways to make your freshman dorm feel just like home.

  1. Personalized Decorations

The best way to feel like home is to take your loved ones along with you! Print out your favourite pictures and memories with the people closest to you so that you can hang it on your walls. (Use non destructive poster sticky tack to prevent any damage to the wall.) Decorate your walls with photographs of loved ones, favorite memories, and inspirational posters. These visuals will not only brighten your room but also serve as comforting reminders of home. The more personality the better!

Another option for this is to hang up wall tapestries! A colorful wall tapestry can dramatically change the look and feel of your dorm. Opt for patterns and colors that resonate with your personal style.

  1. Invest in Comfortable Bedding

Never underestimate the power of a good night's sleep. A comfy bed is a must in order to build a comfortable and cozy dorm room for yourself. Given that we spend approximately one-third of our life sleeping, it's surprising how often the importance of quality bedding is overlooked. Plush pillows, soft sheets, and a quality comforter can make all the difference. A mattress topper might also be a worthwhile investment. There are many affordable yet good quality options for students – especially considering the many back to school discounts that are offered during move in season. 

  1. Bring in Some Green

One of the best ways to feel more at home is through bringing in other living beings! I’m talking indoor plants like succulents, snake plants, or peace lilies – little guys to make you feel less lonely! They add a vibrant and homely feel to your space. Who doesn’t want an aesthetic and cozy little plant family in their room? Many of these indoor plants are even known for their air-purifying qualities! Also, studies suggest that the presence of plants can reduce stress, anxiety, and even symptoms of depression. They also help increase feelings of well-being, making your dorm an oasis of calm during those stressful exam periods.

  1. Incorporate Familiar Scents & Warm Lighting

Scented candles (if allowed), essential oil diffusers, or even a familiar laundry detergent can evoke memories of home. Scents have the incredible power to evoke memories and feelings. By choosing a scent reminiscent of home or a favorite place, you can instantly uplift your mood and create a comforting environment. Remember, it's the small touches that often have the most impact. Swap out harsh fluorescent bulbs for softer lighting options. Fairy lights, desk lamps with warm bulbs, or even LED strip lights can similarly create a cozy ambiance. To spice up your place a bit, consider changing your scents and lighting with the seasons. Light floral scents and brighter lights for spring, warm spicy aromas, and soft glowing lights for fall.

  1. DIY Projects

Personalizing your space with DIY projects can be both fun and therapeutic. Whether it's a hand-painted sign or a knitted throw, DIY décor adds a unique touch. With a splash of creativity and a pinch of DIY spirit, any student can transform this blank canvas into a personalized haven. Some ideas for personalizing your room are as follows: making a photo collage wall, customizing a bulletin board, or adding handmade wall art to your room!

Remember, your freshman dorm is more than just a place to sleep; it's your new home for the next year. By incorporating these tips, you'll be well on your way to creating a space that truly feels like your own.


Q: My dorm doesn't allow candles. What alternatives can I use for scents?

A: Essential oil diffusers are a great alternative to candles. You can also consider potpourri, scented sachets, or plug-in air fresheners.

Q: I'm not crafty. Are there easy DIY projects I can try?

 Absolutely! Try simple projects like a photo collage wall, customizing a bulletin board with fabric, or making decorative push pins. The key is to personalize your space in a way that feels authentic to you.

Q: How do I ensure my dorm room decor doesn't clash with my roommate's?

Communication is key. Discuss your ideas and preferences with your roommate before moving in. Maybe you can even coordinate or choose a theme together!

Q: How can I make my dorm room cozy on a budget?

 Look for back-to-school sales, affordable stores, and DIY solutions. Also, remember that sometimes less is more; a few well-chosen pieces can make a room feel cozy and personalized.


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